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How to actually stick to your New Years Resolutions this year!


📝How are you doing on your goals so far for 2019???

🚀We’re only 2 days in- but most people fall off after 2 weeks. NOT YOU THOUGH!! I KNOW YOU’RE staying COMMITTED to those massive drama of yours!

🚀I want to share with you a few tips on how you can help crush those goals and STAY COMMITTED to achieving!

1️⃣Write down your goals. Yup, everyday- even ✌🏼 a day! It reaffirms what direction you are going in, keeps your attention on it and keeps it at the forefront of your mind. Don’t let little distractions stop you from this. Keep focused and work towards your goals a little each day!

2️⃣Break down your goals. Have MASSIVE goals and not sure where to even start?? Take your goal and break it down to bite size pieces. You may not get that BIG goal accomplished today, but working on little steps each day TOWARDS that goal gets you closer and closer and keeps you FOCUSED!

3️⃣Keep track of your progress. Regularly check in on the progress you’ve made and how far you’ve come. You may not be there yet, but you’re one step closer now than you were yesterday!

4️⃣Surround yourself with like-minded people who will help you reach your goals! It helps to have friends, coaches and accountability partners to keep you going even when you want to throw in the towel. Get around the RIGHT PEOPLE that will give you the motivation and accountability when you need it!

🎯Use these tips to help CRUSH your goals in 2019! STILL need a little push??

Join my ✨MAGIC MOM MORNING GROUP✨ to get that accountability, push and consistency that you NEED to make your goals happen and hold yourself to the goals you’ve set!

Your family deserves it, YOU deserve it and this will help you feel ACCOMPLISHED, PRODUCTIVE HAPPY and SATISFIED as the amazing mama that you are!!


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From Sandi & Jarrod Glandt

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