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STOP Working Harder To Achieve Your Business Goals

Stop working harder to reach your business goals

You heard that right, you need to stop working harder to reach your business goals! This is probably going to go against everything you heard growing up, got taught in school, or even see in today’s world.

It makes sense to a certain point when you’re trying to develop valuable skills,  but eventually working harder actually hurts you.

As a CEO, you only get paid when you get leads or make sales. This means that 90% of the work you’re doing now, isn’t moving the needle in your business.

If you keep focusing on the wrong things, you’ll end up in this never-ending cycle that takes a toll on your mind, energy and body, and sense of self.

If you’ve noticed that you’ve slowly stopped doing the things you care about, or, you find yourself distracted when you should be spending time with the most important people in your life… it’s time to make some changes. 

Your self-worth and success isn’t tied to how many how tasks you can accomplish per hour.

If you seriously want to level up, it’s all about being strategic with your time and focusing on activities that lead to more income with fewer hours.

Here are some of the steps and examples you can use to cut your workload in half while improving your business.


1: Create a system for marketing and selling your products or services.

Examples:  One video can be viewed 1000s of times, and generate millions in sales. You create the video, but your team should focus on distributing all of that content to different platforms.


2: Create a system and routine for handling all customer support and fulfillment.

Use automation software, or hire and train an assistant or manager to maintain the nuts and bolts.

3: Avoid spreading yourself too thin.

Avoid spreading yourself too thin with a general niche, and too many offers. Too many offers cause indecision in your potential clients. Perfect the systems in one niche before moving on to another.

4: Eliminate unnecessary back and forth.

Eliminate this back and forth by having an assistant help you with new client onboarding. This free’s up your time to focus only on the people who will say yes to working with you.


New Free Areas To Automate Training

Do you want more tips to automate your business, free up your time, and improve your business? Check out my new FREE Areas To Automate training! Click the image for free access and get started now! 


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From Sandi & Jarrod Glandt

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