Before I jump into today’s post, I want to let you guys know I am about 22 weeks pregnant and I am feeling great! The only thing that is a new symptom this week is heartburn. Oh, my Lord! I had heartburn so bad the other night, to the point where I was literally grinding up ice in my Nutribullet and eating it, because I was in such pain. Jarrod made this amazing stew that he makes and it was a little spicy, and just that little amount of spice triggered my heartburn to go off the charts. That being said, I will no longer be eating that spicy stew- probably at all or anytime after noon because I know how bad it affects the heartburn. I tried going natural before I went to the antacids but with a little honey, some ice, and Tums, and the heartburn was gone when I got up.
Today I want to share with you a few different foods that are awesome, not just for pregnancy but for living a healthy lifestyle:
1. Lean meat. This of course is your red meats: beef, veal, pork. I don’t eat veal and lamb; I stick to chicken and fish. I don’t even really eat beef too much, but it has amino-acids in the protein that are building blocks for the baby. So I will eat a little bit more of beef, but I try to stay away from it because I know it’s harder for your body to break it down. Lean meat is an awesome source of protein and nutrients for both you and your baby.
2. Yogurt. It’s awesome for calcium for both you and your baby. I love my yogurt. I am lactose-intolerant so I can’t eat a lot of it, but I do like to add it to my smoothies, or mix it with some fruit and maybe a little bit of granola. There are so many different ways that you could use yogurt. Besides from eating it plain and in a parfait, you can even incorporate it into your baking. I use it for this protein muffin with egg whites.
3. Salmon. I love fish. Being pregnant, it’s kind of a bummer that I can’t east sushi, but any kind of cooked salmon is good for both you and your baby. It’s packed with omega-3s, it’s got the DHA, just like your prenatal does, and that’s so important. All those healthy fatty acids in there are amazing, and you need them for your baby, and for yourself. It helps with the development of the eyes, and it even reduces pregnancy depression.
4. Avocado. I don’t know if I have any other avocado lovers out there, but I put this on almost everything I eat. You already know this if you follow me on instagram. I’ll put it on a piece of toast, in my eggs, or just eat it plain, with a bit of salt and pepper. A great way to incorporate it is to cook up two eggs, an egg white, and lots of veggies and put some avocado over the top. It’s a great healthy fat, and healthy fats have great benefits: they’re good for brain development, tissue growth, and they can also ease morning sickness, so it’s great all around.
5. Eggs. I probably eat eggs for at least two meals a day, definitely for breakfast. This morning I had oatmeal because I had heartburn last night, but I always have hard boiled eggs in my house. I can’t eat them over easy anymore, and that was a favorite of mine when I wasn’t pregnant. But eggs are a great source of protein, and they’re fast to make. I just take a big pot and boil them all up and I’m good to go. You can just put them on some toast, or even just pop them in a plastic bag and use for a snack on the go. Eggs also prevent neural tube defects as well, so that’s the benefit to your baby. Your baby needs the protein in the eggs. It helps with brain development, and can prevent neural tube defects.
Try to incorporate these foods into your every day meals. Even better is if you can mix and match these foods together! Mix up avaocado with your eggs, or do your fish or meat over some leafy greens. Have some yogurt and add in berries- get creative and have fun with it! Some other foods that are really great for a healthy diet and pregnancy are steel-cut oats, quinoa, brown rice, colorful fruits and veggies, beans and nuts. Try sticking a diet that is high in protein, veggies and healthy fats and this is a WIN-WIN for both you and your baby!
I hope this helps you and you were able to get some knowledge from this on how to have a fit and healthy pregnancy. If you know someone who’s pregnant, I’d love for you to share this with them. Even if you’re not pregnant right now, your body needs to be fueled properly in order to live a healthy lifestyle. So incorporate these foods into your diet and start to feel all the benefits of what your amazing body will do for you!
P.S. I’d love to hear from YOU! What recipes have you tried that incorporate any of these foods listed above? Please share with us here for all the other mamas out there who are living a fit and healthy lifestyle!