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You get it HAVE IT ALL- the biz, the babies & body!

Guess what mama…

You get to have the BUSINESS AND the BABY’s

You get to have the BABY AND the BODY!

You get to have SELF CARE TIME AND an amazing relationship with your husband/ partner!

You get to have the BUSINESS AND the BODY and the BABIES and an INCREDIBLE relationship with your partner AND time for yourself!!

But it doesn’t come without a WHOLE HELL of a lot of INTENTIONAL planning AND work!!

See, my motto has always been (and I teach women) HOW they get to have it ALL!!

It’s NOT magic, it’s WORK!!

But it’s WORTH IT!!

Every second I spend quality time with my babies, it’s INTENTIONAL

Every second I spend in my business, it’s INTENTIONAL

Every second I spend on self care, it’s INTENTIONAL

Every second I’m with my hubby (planning a date night or time together), it’s INTENTIONAL

We GET TO have it all, but you better believe you GET TO put in the work to make it that way!!

If you’re struggling with this now, I have a little exercise for you:

  • Write out every area that’s important to you
  • Then decide HOW you want to show up there!
  • What does the time spent look like?
  • How often are you investing in this?
  • What would make YOU feel fulfilled in this space?

Also, what are your non-negotiables in each of these areas?

And finally, what re the boundaries you will set in place to make sure you honor your top priorities?

I encourage you to constantly be checking in on this!

Life moves fast but if you know WHO, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE you want to be spending your time- it becomes a no brainer for where you start to INTENTIONALLY SHOW UP based on your priorities!!

👇🏼Comment below and share with me a myth you have about BALANCING IT ALL!!

If you’re looking to find a supportive community of ambitious women who are moms, working boss babes, wives, etc who are juggling ALL.THE.THINGS and looking for hacks and tips on how to maximize their time, make more income and impact- make sure to join us in the Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Women FB Group!

I go live here on a weekly basis to give you tips, tricks, hacks and more into how you caan maximize your time, money and energy to create the income, impact and life YOU want to create! See you inside Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Women FB Group!

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From Sandi & Jarrod Glandt

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