5 Back To School Tips for Working Moms!
Back to school is officially underway and some of your kids may have already started the new school year! This time of year can be both exciting and stressful, so I want to share with you 5 back to school tips that will help make the transition back to school a little bit easier (especially for working moms)!
1: Get Back On School Schedules
Pool parties, sleepovers, and all those late nights are such fun summertime activities for kids. But, now that school is back in session, it’s time to get everyone back on those weekday schedules. This will make the back to school transition easier for everyone.
2: Establish a Morning Routine
As a working mom, you know the morning can be the most stressful part of the day. Those mornings running around trying to get everyone out the door can be a hectic start to the day. Establishing a solid morning routine for those busy school mornings can turn a crazy morning of running around, into a relaxing one. Try to prep and get everything ready that you’re going to need in the morning, the night before. Laying out the kids clothes and packing all the bags the night before can make all the difference.
3: Create a ‘Command Center’
The ‘command center’ is a space in our home where we print out everyone’s schedules and post them on the wall. This has been really helpful in our home, so everyone can stay on the same page and know exactly what is going on that week, even though we all have such different schedules.
Want to hear the last two tips? Click the link below and watch my Youtube video!
These tips help my family stay on the same page and organized so we don’t miss any school deadlines/ activities or special days at school. (You don’t want your little one to be the only kid in class who doesn’t have a show in tell or forgets pickup when there’s a half day at school)
What’s one tip that helped you make the back to school transition easier?
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