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Now Hiring Fitness Enthusiasts!

Hi there! My name is Sandi Glandt and I have been beyond blessed with this Coaching opportunity that I am about to share with you! I went from not knowing what my passion was and a “skinny fat” on-again-off-again “dieter”  -to- getting fit, feeling confident, and becoming COMPLETELY DEBT FREE all while working from home! I truly […]

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The Hunter or the Hunted?

During a recent sales meeting I posed the question to our team, “Are you picking your customers or are they picking us?” The point that I was trying to make to them was that being the result of someone else’s decision rather the cause of it, is a precarious position to be in. It can […]

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Re-Energize your Sales!

Recently when speaking on CNBC about work life balance, Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL said that with today’s 24/7 connectivity it almost impossible to NOT be connected. That got me thinking about how as salespeople we get so connected to prospecting for new business/managing pipelines, making sure our follow-up sequences are tight, refining our pitch, […]

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3 Tips to Grow a Pair with Your Pitch

If you are like any TRUE sales professional you are constantly looking for new ways to be more effective with your sales presentation. Working for a guy like @GrantCardone we are constantly trying new strategies out and refining the way that we present. I gotta tell you, sometimes when I hear some of Grant’s ideas, […]

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Thanksgiving #FitTips

Ahhhhh! We’re just ONE day away from Thanksgiving!! As excited as I am for the holiday’s and to spend it with family I am NOT looking forward to getting off my normal workout and eating schedule! ::yikes!:: So in preparation for Thanksgiving and all the food/ sweets and treats that will be readily available I […]

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Ok ya’ll!! Get ready for a little kick in the booty! Since I have started BeachBody I am so excited to help those around me to get FIT, HEALTHY AND REALLY FEEL THEIR BEST!!! That being said, I am TIRED of those people who HAVE EXCUSES!!!! Excuses to not sign up for what??? A healthier […]

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Exciting New Health & Fitness Venture!!

I hope you all are having a productive Saturday so far!! I’ve gotten some cleaning done, my morning work out and have made FRESH PRESSED JUCIE so far…and now getting my blogging in! If you didn’t catch my Periscope on Thursday I had EXCITING NEWS to announce!! I have OFFICAILLY joined BEACHBODY!!! So what turned me on […]

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If I Can Do It, SO CAN YOU!!

Over the past few months I have become SUPER amped up about my diet and nutrition! If you follow me on IG (SandiVisnov) or Facebook you can tell by all my posts! Some background on me- I was never brought up or TAUGHT how to cook. Both my parents worked and my mom would do […]

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Crush Your Workouts With Coffee!!

GOOD MORNING!!! I hope you all are ready to crush your Thursday!! One thing I wanted to share with you as I sip my morning coffee is the power of COFFEE/ CAFEINE and how you can use it to crush your workouts!! Whenever I have a cup of coffee and I get into the gym […]

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What to eat BEFORE & AFTER your workout!!

Happy Monday! If you have been following me lately you know that I have been going strong with my shedding and SHREDDING for the wedding!! I have upped my workouts to 5-7 days a week and sometimes making it into the gym twice a day!! I have changed up my protein (stay tuned for a periscope […]

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From Sandi & Jarrod Glandt

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