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Re-Energize your Sales!

Re-Energize your Sales!

Recently when speaking on CNBC about work life balance, Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL said that with today’s 24/7 connectivity it almost impossible to NOT be connected. That got me thinking about how as salespeople we get so connected to prospecting for new business/managing pipelines, making sure our follow-up sequences are tight, refining our pitch, […]

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3 Tips to Grow a Pair with Your Pitch

3 Tips to Grow a Pair with Your Pitch

If you are like any TRUE sales professional you are constantly looking for new ways to be more effective with your sales presentation. Working for a guy like @GrantCardone we are constantly trying new strategies out and refining the way that we present. I gotta tell you, sometimes when I hear some of Grant’s ideas, […]

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From Sandi & Jarrod Glandt